收養4歲狗狗庫珀,主人:上帝也收養了我們,將我們收為祂的家人 家庭









Ever since I was a kid, I always wanted a dog. I watched other kids play around with their dogs and I always wanted one to be my best friend. A puppy I could love with my whole heart and would always love me back unconditionally too. Unfortunately, my parents thought I wasn’t ready for the responsibility, and thus I wasn’t allowed to get a dog until a few years ago.

Instead of getting a puppy, we went to the dog shelter to look for adoptable dogs. It was there that I met Cooper. He was around 4 when we first adopted him, and barely gave me or my treats a glance when taken out to meet us. He just glanced at our direction and went around sniffing the pen we were in. Cooper didn’t seem to like us very much, but I didn’t mind. He was big, white and fluffy, the dog I had imagined in my dreams.

They told us that he had multiple health problems: he had bad hind legs that would require surgery, ear infections that would need treatment, as well as foggy eyes that could be a sign he was going blind. However, despite all the complications, I begged my dad to let us adopt him, and I was determined to take him home with us that very day. Surprisingly, my parents talked for a while and ended up agreeing to sign the papers and bring him home. I was thrilled and couldn’t believe my childhood dream was actually happening.

I stuck to Cooper like glue for the first week he was home with us. However, I quickly learned that having a dog wasn’t all like what I had imagined. He shed his fur everywhere, and it got into all my clothes, my bed, and everywhere you could possibly imagine. Sometimes I would even find strands of his hair in my food. He couldn’t run and play like the other dogs because of his leg injury, and after a botched surgery, it got even worse. Cooper could barely stand, let alone play fetch. Quickly I became very disappointed, because having him wasn’t all what I imagined a dog would be like. He didn’t bark enthusiastically when I came home from school, and he didn’t know how to turn over or play fetch.

I would talk to my mom about how disappointed I was that he seemed like he didn’t love me. She assured me that he did, in his own way, and just didn’t know how to express it. My mom would often talk about how lucky Cooper was that we chose him, and how unlikely it was that another family would’ve chosen to adopt him because of all of his medical conditions and problems.

When I thought about it, I realized that Cooper’s relationship with our family is very similar to God’s relationship to us. We took him in and sheltered him the same way that God has taken us in and watched over us. Sometimes we forget to acknowledge God and what he does for us, or we don’t know how. Regardless, he does his best and takes care of everything we might need, no matter the cost, just like we pay for everything that Cooper needs, because we love him and treat him as part of the family.

Just like we took Cooper under our wing, God has taken us under his and adopted us as part of his family. Even if Cooper wasn’t the dog I always wanted as a kid, and he may not exactly act and play like other dogs, it does not mean we love him any less, just like God doesn’t love us any less even if we do make mistakes or are flawed. His unconditional love is a reminder that we should treat people around us with the same grace and kindness that he has. 

從收養庫珀想到的|Helen Meng

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